
Who ever we are, What ever we will be. Introspection will be everywhere...

The endless struggle between good and bad, wanting yet not wanting, forcing yet not willing to force it, to want something and at the same time being afraid to have it, the endless doubt ...

Who or what do we want to be, or don't want to be? There is no correct answer, no solving the riddle, no solution to our problems ... No direct answer... Do we turn to any form of god? Do we turn to others? Do we let go? ... Do we even care?

Intelligent questions for a futile mind...

Life is a quest, being content with one objective taken is a shame, wanting ten others is a completely different story. Maybe, just maybe, we should be looking towards ourselves? Neither god nor entity will solve our riddles... Maybe we should do it ourselves, and maybe we should be content to do so? 

Life is Chaos, Nature is Chaos... It neither destroys nor creates, it just evolves... 

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Hubertus Timmers
8 maanden geleden

Geweldige website , unique afbeeldingen, keep up the good work.

Léa Dautricourt
8 maanden geleden

Bravo pour ton travail, très original qui nous permet de comprendre ton univers et une partie de ta personnalité que tu ne laisse pas transparaître habituellement. Bravo également pour tes descriptifs qui soulèvent des questions intéressante et des faits réels il n’existe aucunes limites à notre imagination nous pouvons en créer ce que nous voulons. Félicitations

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